With Laura Sylv
A sister circle is a safe, sacred space for women to gather. A non-judgemental space in which you can be fully yourself, open up, share what's on your heart and be vulnerable.
It is a space where you are seen, heard, loved and supported by the facilitator and the other sisters in circle.
Sister circles are nothing new, they've been happening for centuries, sometimes openly, sometimes in secret. Women would gather in accordance to the moon or their cycle, commonly known as 'red tents'. It's a way of connecting with the natural world and elements of earth.
Sister circles are a space where women can use their voice in confidence. A space for connection and healing, as we share our feminine energy and magic in a sacred ceremony.
It's a space for you to relax, to drop the roles you play in every day life, release yourself from any expectations, to-do lists or pressure from the outside world.
A space for you to just 'be'.
To relax, journey inwards and come home to yourself.
Ready to experience the magic?

If you are on a personal development, healing, self-discovery or spiritual journey, then a sister circle is the place to be in helping you on your sacred journey back home to yourself and your true essence beneath the layers.
It's a space to relax, to rejuvenate, to journey inwards and listen to the whispers of your heart.
To follow your hearts desires and tap into your feminine energy of flow, ease and love.
To tap into the intuition of the divine feminine within.
To get out of your logical, analytical mind (masculine) to connect with your body, to check in with yourself and what you need in the present moment.
A space to meet other like-minded women, build your community and support network.
A space where it's all welcome.
Sister circles are empowering, inspiring, nourishing and wholesome.
Anything that is said in the circle, stays in the circle.
They offer you a chance to be honest with yourself and each other.
A space for reflection and introspection to help you acknowledge and celebrate yourself, everything that you have achieved, learnt and overcome in the past month.
A space for you to release and let go of everything that no longer serves you, to help you feel lighter and more at peace with yourself and the world.
There is so much strength, love and unity in sisterhood.
A space to know that you are not alone, but always divinely held, seen and heard by your sisters.
They are a way of increasing confidence, self-belief and self-esteem, to lower stress levels and help you heal and strengthen the relationship you have with yourself and others.

I attended my very first sister circle January 2020, in Bal. it was from that moment as an emerging women's empowerment coach, that I KNEW holding these sacred spaces was what I was made for.
In March 2021 I held my very first sister circle and since then, I have never looked back!
It was one of the most magical, rewarding things I have ever done.
Taking women on a healing journey back home to themselves and their true essence. Getting to witness each one of them truly transforming into the best version of themselves before my eyes.
It was beautiful and such an honour.
Ever since that first circle, I have held one a month.
I have women that return every single month, with new faces joining us too.
I have seen deep healing take place in the most special, profound way.
I have also had the pleasure of holding sacred circles at women's festivals, which has been incredibly beautiful to be part of.
A gorgeous collective of women all supporting one another, there's nothing like it.
I couldn't imagine not holding them.
A calming, peaceful, grounding environment.
A quiet space to relax.
Each circle consists of a specific theme for the month and includes:
Welcome circle & introduction / theme
Introduce yourselves / check in
Grounding into the space
Reflection journaling with prompts
The chance to share and be heard
Guided meditation & visualisation
Journal and share
Heart opening, ceremonial grade cacao ceremony
Intention setting
Closing gratitude circle
Oracle cards / time to connect / questions / goodbyes